Driving License

I have no idea to write a post today. But I want to tell you about what happend to me today. Taht was also stupid experience. Haha. Thats why I write in English, just to makes it seem litle cool. But I hope you do not make the conclusion that Indonesian no more cool. This only a matter of perception.

I often write about the fate series. About things that happen outside of our will. Trivial things that seem a little closer to stupidity and regret. Those things then leads to a word: destiny.

Today I attend the extension of my driving license. I have said it clearly to the officer. But it seems he did not hear clearly because of the air in the place was very crowded. The officer was heard if I want to make a new driving license.

This is the result of a registration booth for any matters relating to a driving license. And between making a new driving license to extend the old driving license is a very different thing. The difference lies in a series of tests for create a new driving license. As for extending a driving license, simply by signing up and filling out a form and pay the administrative costs then takes photo and just wait for a new license has been printed. The difference between these two activities can reach several hours.

Actually, I had to follow the theory test for almost two hours. Once finished, I just asked the clerk. I do not know why  I did not ask (again) about the procedure to extend the license. Ya salam!

Since I first came, I asked the people I met at the front and he told me about the general procedure. What should I prepare and anywhere that I should came. Technical matter in detail, I will be guided in their respective places.

The problem is only one. The miscommunication between me and the clerk at the registration. Which in turn makes me like a waste of time of nearly two hours. If there is a blight that I may, of course I will blight myself. Why was do not this way, why did not so.

But so far its end. I try to positive thinking. This is a fate series that should be my destiny. But I also remember well the words in a book Padang Bulan writen by Andrea Hirata : failure is not pending success but stupidity which maintained. Also i think that repeated failure is ignorance maintained too. Then in this case, let me take a conclusion. The combination of: trying not to repeat the same stupidity or trying to not maintain ignorance (in any condition) but thing had already occurred needs not to be sad because it was a destiny. That’s all.

Ah ya! I want to tell you some. The police officer on duty in the service of making a driving license is a servant of state that the entire office hours really used to charge well.


Terjemah bebas pakai googke translate. wakakakak

Cheers ^___^
Dyah Sujiati

About Dyah Sujiati

Tentang saya?! Seperti apa ya? Entahlah. Kalau saya yang nulis, pasti cuma yang baik-baik saja. Dan itu sulit dipercaya. XD XD XD Tapi harus percaya kalau saya seorang blogger yang tidak main sosmed. Twitter off per 4/4/2019, tidak punya Facebook, Instagram, Path, dll.
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7 Responses to Driving License

  1. lazione budy says:

    melongo…, ora mudeng.


  2. jampang says:

    bingung mau komentar apa…. nggak ngerti

  3. Thank you, Mr. Police Officer

  4. g****e translate nggarai ra mudeng…:D

  5. quinque says:

    selamat aja deh udah punya sim… hehe

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